Primary One Interview – Parent Sharing Session Online Webinar
31 May 2022
May 31, 2022
Chief Coordinators: Mrs. Joyce CHAU, Mrs. Catherine LAM, Mrs. Jacqueline LIU & Mrs. Mary MA
The PTA was delighted to host a live parent sharing zoom session event on primary one interviews and K1 / K2 parents were invited to join this year. We invited four mothers: Mrs. Cara CHING, Mrs. Chiane Mandy CHUNG, Mrs. Ji WONG and Mrs. Florence YAN as our guest speakers. They all had extensive school interview experiences and shared their knowledge with us. They covered topics such as the interview processes, interview techniques for different types of local primary schools, their expectations …etc. The event was extremely helpful and insightful to all parents who have children that are going to enroll into Primary School soon.
Mary MA
Mother of George MA Chun Hung K2A1AMPM and Anne MA Tsz Yuet PNA1AM