Easter ScratchJr Coding Parent-Child Workshop
9 Apr 2022
Chief Coordinators: Mrs. Fiona AU YEUNG, Mrs. Diana FOK and Mrs. Renee YAM
The PTA organised an Easter online coding workshop for our K1 to K3 students. This was our first-ever zoom workshop! We were delighted to have invited instructors from The Genius Workshop to start off our coding journey! To begin, the children were to design their own digital Easter egg using ScratchJr. All the children were very engaged and got very creative with their designs. Then they started to make movements and simple animations on their chosen objects (including their Easter eggs!). At the end, the children successfully created their very first Easter themed game using coding. Everyone was extremely excited playing their newly created game! It was such a spectacular and fun workshop!
Mrs. Renee YAM
Mother of Jonas YAM PNA5AM