
親子線上新年桔子造型湯圓創作坊 (只限英文版本)


26 January - 19 February 2021
Chief Coordinators: Mrs Cara CHING, Mrs Jennifer WONG, Mrs Natalie CHUNG
Tang yuan is a Chinese traditional festive dessert that symbolises togetherness and reunion.  Having been away from school for weeks due to the pandemic, the PTA created an online cooking demonstration video and recipe in both Chinese and English for students and parents to follow along in the comfort of their own home. Parents were given the option to prepare their own ingredients for their children or conveniently order the ingredient packs from the PTA.

My daughter, Leanne, was overjoyed when she learned that she could make some tang yuan together with a few of her classmates. The children had an enjoyable time making adorable, cute-looking mandarin-shaped tang yuan following the online cooking instructions. Parents helped knead the dough while children had fun rolling the orange dough into small round balls, decorating with “green leaves”! What's better than celebrating Chinese New Year with a bowl of heart-warming, homemade tang yuan and great company!

Natalie CHUNG (Mother of Leanne Chung K3A6PM)