
Parent-Child Art and Craft Workshop (Feb 2023) (English Version Only)


25 February 2023

Chief Coordinators: Mrs. Catherine LAM, Mrs. Jessie LI, Mrs. Christine LOO and Mrs. Ivy WONG

In February this year, parents and children had come together for our fun-filled art and craft workshop held at the Art Studio of Victoria Shanghai Academy. Our little artists in PN and K1 had so much fun splashing colours around and creating their own versions of rabbit drums in colourful clay. Our K2 and K3 children certainly let their imagination run and handcrafted their clay ice-cream inspired by their own unique storyline, ranging from candies and lollipops to sea creatures like mermaids, octopus and even frog! All the ice-cream pieces looked so sweet and indulging that the kids even wanted to take a real bite!

So heartwarming to see our children’s proud and happy faces holding up their work. Dr Koong and Principal lee have also paid us a visit and joined in the fun!

Mrs. Ivy WONG
Mother of Anna Yuet Hang WONG K2A5AM and Arthur Chi Hang WONG PNA2AM