
October Special Activity Day (Oct 2022) (English Version Only)


October Special Activity Day


28 October 2022

Chief Coordinators: Mrs. Vicky HO, Mrs. Renee YAM, Mrs. Alice YIP


The PTA together with the school, welcomed many ‘Little Creators’ in joining us for some fun-filled and creative games!  Many children came dressed up in their home-made costumes to celebrate creativity and innovation!  A major thank you to over 30 enthusiastic parent volunteers, who joined us in leading 14 game booths for the children.  The children enjoyed various ‘creation’ activities, including mixing their own puffy paint using shaving cream, white glue and food coloring, playing music with different kinds of instruments, powering little toy cars to move using balloons, mixing bubble solutions to create giant bubbles, creating drawings that float in water, and more!  Everybody had a blast in displaying their creativity on this day!


Mrs. Alice Yip

Mother of Reina Yip K3A3PM