Kids’ Dental Health Online Webinar (只限英文版本) (Aug 2022)
Kids’ Dental Health Online Webinar
30 August 2022
Chief Coordinators: Mrs. Jelinda CHAPMAN, Mrs. Renee YAM, Mrs. Alice YIP
In this new academic year, the PTA was delighted to have the chance to co-host the first ever joint webinar with the PTA of Victoria Shanghai Academy (Primary) in the evening of 30th August 2002. We invited Dr. Carl Tse (Specialist in Periodontology) to go through a series of topics related to kids’ dental health such as general caring tips, dental caries, and orthodontic treatment etc. All participants were also able to watch a replay video for a limited period to recap the important information from the evening as well as receiving a dental care kit.
It was a very informative webinar and we look forward to sharing more useful information about kids’ development in the future!

Mrs. Renee YAM
Mother of Jonas Heung Yin YAM K1A3AM