The 57th Graduation Album (只限英文版本)
Chief Coordinator: Mrs. Michelle CHENG & Mrs. Florence YAN
Album Designer: Mrs. Natalie KNEBEL
Supporting Excom (Album Design): Mrs. Diana FOK
Photography: Mrs. Jelinda CHAPMAN & Mrs. Ivy CHIU
Class Representatives:
K3A1AMPM— Mrs. Flora HU, Mrs. Flavia LAM & Mrs. Minnie TANG
K3A2AMPM— Mrs. Christine KO, Mrs. Vivian LAI & Mrs. Vivien LI
K3A3PM— Mrs. Rebecca LAI, Mrs. Angela LAU & Mrs. Amanda WONG
K3A5PM— Mrs. Cory LO, Mrs. Lily NG & Mrs. Frances TSE
Secretaries: Mrs. Lily NG (Chinese) & Mrs. Elisa SKILTON (English)
Gift Sourcing: Mrs. Miki AU-YEUNG, Mrs. Lido CHEUNG, Mrs. Stephanie CHIU, Mrs. Jaz LAM, Mrs. Soowy YIU & Mrs. Jenny YU
Proof Reading: Mrs. Jane COOTE & Mrs. Chelsea HE
It has always been the tradition for CB Victoria to publish a memorable graduation album as a keepsake for our beloved K3 graduates. Similar to the previous two years, this year’s Graduation Album was completed against insurmountable challenges posed by the COVID-19 pandemic. The 57th Graduation Album Organising Committee was formed at the onset of the fifth wave of the pandemic in Hong Kong. Despite working with a number of unknowns, our team stayed hopeful that face-to-face class could resume after the Easter holiday in accordance with the timeline envisioned by the government.
With this key assumption in mind, our album designer created a cover that resonates well with the theme of this year’s graduates’ performance, namely, The Story of Mulan 2022, which depicts a number of important virtues in Chinese culture. Fortunately, with the resumption of school, our team arranged a professional photoshoot on May 11-12 in accordance with plans to help capture the joyous moments of graduates in school. To enrich the content of the album, we again invited graduates to write a short piece to showcase their academic achievement on top of displaying their school uniform photos from PN to K3 and other daily life photos. The topic for this year was about graduates’ dreams and/or future plans when they grow up. It was truly heartening to see so much thought and effort put into this wonderful piece of work!
I would like to take this opportunity to show our deepest gratitude to our devoted principals, head teachers, K3 teachers, and supporting staff. With a number of families not being in town during the fifth wave of the pandemic, our team would not have been able to complete this project without their help throughout the photo collection process. In addition, I would like to highlight the tremendous efforts that our class representatives and gift sourcing team put into this project. In spite of all the constraints, they strived their best to complete the tasks required at different stages. Last but not least, I would like to thank K3 parents for their sincere support and donations for the 57th Graduation Album!
In this newsletter, we are showcasing here some of the pictures and write-ups that have been included in the Graduation Album. We hope our K3 graduates enjoy going through this album, which serves as a recollection of their fond memories and a reminder to strive for excellence even at times of difficulties and uncertainties. Congratulations K3 graduates, and best wishes to their primary school journey ahead!
Mrs. Michelle CHENG
Mother of Kyle CHENG K3A1AMPM