Story-Telling Reading Activity (只限英文版本)
May 2022
Chief Coordinators: Mrs. Fiona AU YEUNG, Mrs. Joyce CHAU, Mrs. Ivy CHIU, Mrs. Jenny FREEMAN, Mrs. Catherine LAM and Mrs. Mary MA
Every child has a story to tell! Stories allow our children to broaden their imagination, their ability to visualize and more importantly it’s a great inspiration for a lifelong reading habit. The PTA organised a story-telling activity where children across all grades can read/retell/re-enact a story through role play of a book of their choice in their own way independently, or they can choose to read the book with their parents/guardians/friends/siblings. The children’s story-telling videos and photos were uploaded to the padlet website for all of their school friends to enjoy. It was delightful to see how involved the children were with the story-telling activity and we received over 100 video submissions across all grades. The children also enjoyed watching their classmates read their favourite stories! Thanks to all the parents’ support with filming the children’s story-telling videos, as it wouldn’t have been such a great success without their support and help on this activity.
Mrs. Fiona AU YEUNG
Mother of Alexis AU YEUNG K2A2MPM and Parker Lucas AU YEUNG PNA1AM